5 online branding tips for Small Business

When people think about branding, what usually comes to their mind is a logo, design, and paid adverts. However, there’s more to branding than this.

Branding has more to do with what value you’re investing in your customers than how visually appealing your brand is. It is what sets your business apart from the rest of the crowd, and what strengthens your relationship with your customers.

Building a brand can be an overwhelming process, even for big businesses. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. Below, we have shared five tips that will help you create a successful brand for your business.

1- Define your brand’s purpose

The easiest way to define your brand’s purpose is to identify the problems your customers are facing, then create solutions for them. Building a successful brand starts with adding values to the lives of your customers—and this value can exist in various forms.

For instance, you could offer a service that’s cheaper than the ones your competitors are selling; or you could sell it at a higher price but better quality. Another option would be to deliver your products or services at a relatively faster rate or to simply combine all three types of values.

As long as you’re solving an important problem for your customers, your client base will grow significantly with time.

2- Identify your ideal customer

Once you have defined your brand’s purpose, what comes next is to identify your ideal customers. Every brand has its target audience, but before you can discover yours, you need to answer the following questions:

  • How old are your ideal customers?
  • Where are they located?
  • What problems are they facing?
  • How can you solve these problems?
  • Why should they buy your products or services?

There are still other factors to consider, such as your customers’ demographics (age, gender, etc.), their psychographics (personality, values, ideals, etc.), and their socioeconomic status.

But answering the aforementioned questions will give you a clear idea of who your customers are, which can then help you create the perfect branding strategy for your business.

3- Give your brand a voice

Just as your brand’s logo represents its look, your brand’s voice will represent its personality. Every successful brand has a distinct voice to communicate with their customers. And the right voice for your brand will depend on your brand’s purpose, its industry, and your customers.

Your business might adopt a professional voice if your brand is service-oriented. Or, if it’s more focused on customer engagement, it could adopt a witty and, perhaps, a sarcastic voice.

Finding the right voice for your brand will make it easier to communicate your brand’s messages with your customers.

4- Launch a website

Creating a unique responsive website is vital to every successful branding strategy. Choosing a professional web designer offering affordable custom web design can make it easy to create a website for your brand that matches its personality.

However, regardless of what web developer or platform you choose, ensure that your web design is consistent with your brand’s visual identity.

5- Leverage social media

One mistake small business owners often make is to overlook the power of social media. Another mistake they tend to make is trying to milk every social media platform.

While it can be tempting to build a community on every social network you come across, you’ll benefit more if you leveraged two to four instead.

The social platform that’s right for your business will largely depend on your content. If you share mostly visual content, then platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are great choices. If, however, your content is mostly text, you might want to leverage Facebook and Twitter instead.

In the end, consistency is the most essential resource for building a successful brand. For without it, no brand strategy can work as effectively.
